Bleeding Heart Flowers and Seeds



Welcome to our comprehensive guide on bleeding heart seeds, where we explore the beauty and benefits of these exquisite flowering plants. At Little Tree Farm, we are passionate about gardening and providing valuable information to help you cultivate a thriving garden. In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of bleeding heart seeds, offering insights, tips, and guidance to help you incorporate these stunning plants into your garden landscape.

Understanding Bleeding Heart Flowers

Bleeding hearts belong to the Dicentra genus, renowned for their unique heart-shaped flowers and delicate foliage. These charming plants are native to regions of Asia and North America and are highly favored among garden enthusiasts for their ornamental appeal. The name “bleeding heart” stems from the distinct shape of the flower, which resembles a pendant heart with a drop of blood at the base.

Varieties of Bleeding Heart Seeds

1. Dicentra spectabilis

One of the most popular and iconic varieties of bleeding heart seeds is Dicentra spectabilis. This perennial plant showcases arching stems adorned with dainty, heart-shaped flowers in shades of pink and white. The vibrant coloration and elegant form make Dicentra spectabilis a captivating addition to any garden. Click here to buy bleeding heart seeds



bleeding heart



2. Dicentra eximia

Dicentra eximia, commonly known as fringed bleeding heart, is another notable variety. This species is renowned for its finely divided, fern-like foliage and delicate, drooping flowers in shades of pink and red. Dicentra eximia thrives in partial shade and is ideal for adding a touch of elegance to woodland gardens or shaded areas.

3. Dicentra formosa

Dicentra formosa, or western bleeding heart, is a charming perennial with vibrant pink flowers. This variety flourishes in shady locations, making it a perfect choice for adding color to areas where sunlight is limited. Dicentra formosa’s low maintenance nature and ability to attract pollinators make it a popular choice for eco-conscious gardeners.

Growing Bleeding Heart Seeds

Bleeding heart seeds are relatively easy to grow and maintain, provided you create the optimal conditions for their growth. Here are some essential tips to help you successfully cultivate these captivating plants To plant your seeds, start by stratifying in the refridgerator for 2 months, then place in seed starting trays until they germinate in a warm place. After they are a good size they can be planted in the garden.

Soil and Light Requirements

This plant will prefer rich, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH level. It is crucial to choose a location with partial shade or filtered sunlight, as direct exposure to intense sunlight can scorch their delicate foliage.

Planting and Watering


after the first year applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant helps retain soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Additionally, feeding your plants with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season will provide them with essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning is essential to maintain the shape and vigor of your plants. Remove any dead or damaged foliage and spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming. In colder regions, mulching the plants in late fall can help protect them from frost and ensure their survival during winter.

Benefits and Uses of Bleeding Heart Seeds

Not only do these flowers have aesthetic beauty but also several practical benefits for gardeners and the environment. Here are some notable advantages:

Ornamental Value

With their elegant and distinctive flowers, they are highly prized for their ornamental value. They serve as stunning focal points in flower beds, borders, and shaded garden areas, adding a touch of romance and charm to the landscape.



bleeding heart



Wildlife Attraction

The nectar-rich blooms attract various pollinators, including bees and butterflies, to your garden. By planting these flowers, you contribute to the overall health and vitality of local ecosystems.


Symbolism and Cultural Significance

Bleeding heart flowers have symbolic significance in different cultures. In the language of flowers, they represent deep emotions, compassion, and unconditional love. These captivating flowers have also been used in literary works and art to evoke powerful emotions and tell poignant stories.


In conclusion, the allure of the bleeding heart lies not only in their enchanting appearance but also in the numerous benefits they offer. By incorporating these exquisite plants into your garden, you create a haven of beauty, attract beneficial wildlife, and contribute to the preservation of cultural symbolism. Follow our expert tips on growing seeds and plants, and watch as your garden flourishes with these captivating flowers.

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