Fruit Trees

How do I Choose My Fruit Trees and Shrubs?
First things first.
Decide if I want a tree or a shrub?
We have classified shrubs as anything under 8 feet high.
Everything over this is a tree.

This year we have a lot of shrubs.
Whats so good about a shrub?
Well, you can plant it a bit closer to your house than a tree.
You can fit a few more shrubs in a smaller area.
You can bunch them closer together. Creating a wall, walkway or entrance.

How Big Are They Really?
Most shrubs grow to about the 4 foot mark.
Such as Red Currants, Black Currants, and Blueberry
These are all a mixture of sweet, tart and delicious fruits to add to your food forest garden.

What Types of Berries Do You Have?
Most popular: the famous Blueberry. We all know it’s delicious flavour.
Elderberry is a well known canadian native plant.
It can grow 6 feet high in a year. It’s one of the fastest growing plants available.

Do You Have Vine Plants?
Yes! Vine plants that grow up a trellis.
Hardy Kiwi, which tastes just like your favourite shop bought kiwi. Only a miniature version. It ripens in the late summer.

Do you like to make wine?
Well you don’t have to have grapes to make wine.

Can I Make Wine Out of Other Fruit?
Other types of fruit wine you can try.
Other than eating them directly from the shrub or freezing them, Black Currants, Red Currants, and Elderberry can be made into a wine too.
Just follow a simple fermentation process and you’ll have delicious wine to share with your friends in about 10 days time. The longer you ferment the stronger the flavour.

Whats The Best Fruit For Jam?
One of our favourites is the Quince.
Granny has been making jam with Quince since way, way back!
It’s and old style type of shrub.
I see one on nearly every farm around. That has been growing for over 50 years. I see them in the city. And just the other day I saw an old guy shaping and pruning his Quince in to a ball shrub. It looked amazing. And It still produced fruit.

What Do I Do Now?
Select your favourite fruits.
Order online.
We deliver to your door in Spring.
When the ground is thawed.

Search for your favourite fruit today!

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