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Salvia Officinalis


Salvia Officinalis is a hardy perennial or partly woody shrub with wooly white leaves.
The flowers of sage are an enchanting aspect of this herb’s beauty.
These delicate blooms come in shades of purple on this sage variety.
Salvia officinalis makes it best growth in a rich clay loam with  good supply of nitrogen
but its will grow in a wide range of soils of resonable nitrogen content provided they are well drained.

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Salvia Officinalis Plants

Salvia Officinalis is a hardy perennial or partly woody shrub with wooly white leaves.
The flowers of sage are an enchanting aspect of this herb’s beauty.
These delicate blooms come in shades of purple on this sage variety.
Salvia officinalis makes it best growth in a rich clay loam with  good supply of nitrogen
but its will grow in a wide range of soils of resonable nitrogen content provided they are well drained.

Known also as Sage.
Leaves grow in pairs on square stems are usually oval or lanced shaped, toothed and sometimes hairy or wooly.
Flowers grow in spikes, purple, with a two part corolla with five lobes, three below and two above.

Salvia Seed

Sage, it is a drougt tolerant perennial with delightfully aromtaic foilage.
Sow indoors in february and outdoors in early spring.
Plant sage in hot, dry, sunny areas, and divide most sages every three to four years or whenever plants begin to look ragged.

Sage plants can grow to be about 2 feet tall and wide, so be sure to give them enough space to spread out.
Sage is hardy to zones 5 through 9, which means it can withstand minimum temperatures of -28.9 to -23.3 degrees Celsius or -20 to -10 degrees Fahrenheit.

A few plants set in the corner of the garden or in a perennial flower bed will furnish sufficient leaves for ordinary family use.
6 – 8 inches of the top growth can be cut from the plant about twice during the season.
The leaves should be harvested before the plant blooms.

This seed packet of Salvia Officinalis has 15 seeds.




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