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Chive Seeds (Allium schoenoprasum)


The slender dark green tubular leaves of chives grow in clumps and the flowers are tiny lavender coloured pompoms, some gardeners like to raise chives for the flowers. The plant and flower could make a charming and decoractive border or edging to beds of other plants or perhaps add colour and interest to a rock garden.

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This useful herb makes neat clumps of grass like leaves and is not out of place in the perennial border.
The flowers are rose purple and quite attractive.

Chives are a hardy perennial and will grow well in all temperate and warm climates, Chive plants prefer well-draining soil and full sun so, select a sunny location to plant. You can plant as soon as the ground can be worked as they are very tolerant to frost.
The bulbs will multiply so quickly that it is advisable to dig them up, every two to three years and seperate them.
Keep the beds well cultivated and free from weeds. Clean culture is especially important during the early stages of growth.

The slender dark green tubular leaves of chives grow in clumps and the flowers are tiny lavender coloured pompoms, some gardeners like to raise chives for the flowers. The plant and flower could make a charming and decoractive border or edging to beds of other plants or perhaps add colour and interest to a rock garden.

The faded flowers should be cut promptly before seed matures otherwise self sown seedlings, may prove to be troublesome weeds. Grows about one foot high. For large mild chives water often and for smaller more intensely flavoured chives don’t water as frequently.

To harvest it is simply cutting the slender tubular leaves as you needs them. These are usually chopped up fine and added to any dish you wish to season. They have a mild onion flavor and are a versatile ingredient in many dishes.



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