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Buartnut Tree – Juglans x bixbyi


The nut form is described as heart shaped with a short flat base and pointed tip, produced in cluster, sometimes ten or more, their flavour is creamy, smooth and buttery which tastes much like the Butternut.
Generally the tree tends to bears annually. Because of it’s many good featurethe heartnut and other japanese walnut trees should receive a lot more attennton from plant breeders in the future. Buartnuts are an exciting alternative to traditional nuts, offering a distinct taste and texture.

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This Buartnuts tree is a cross between a japanese heartnut and a butternut tree. Growing to a height of 50 feet in some cases, the parent plants are healthy specimans and with no diesease.

The Heartnut was introduced from Japan over 100 years ago and is now recognised as one of the best ornamentals of the nut tree species. With it’s luxurious, almost tropical foilage, the buartnut provides a dense shade, yet grass still grows under it.

Buartnuts, along with other members of the japanese walnut species, thrives in both clay and sandy soils.
Nut tree experts describe it as a “veritable goat in it’s feeding habits, making it a rapid grower.”


The nut form is described as heart shaped with a short flat base and pointed tip, produced in cluster, sometimes ten or more, their flavour is creamy, smooth and buttery which tastes much like the Butternut.
Generally the tree tends to bears annually. Because of it’s many good featurethe heartnut and other japanese walnut trees should receive a lot more attennton from plant breeders in the future. Buartnuts are an exciting alternative to traditional nuts, offering a distinct taste and texture.

In it’s native home, the trees grow throughout the climatic region of Japan. Which includes climates similar to Nova Scotia all the way down to Georgia
The buartnut tree (Juglans x bixbyi) is the tree that produces the buartnuts. It is a hardy and adaptable tree, capable of growing in a wide range of climates and soil types.

These sapling trees are first year grown to approx 1-3 feet in height. They are shipped in either Autumn or Spring as bare root trees. Buartnut trees require cross-pollination to set fruit. Ensure that you have at least two compatible buartnut trees or other compatible nut tree varieties in close proximity to facilitate pollination and maximize nut production


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